Using Alpha Trading Labs

Welcome to Alpha Trading Labs. Use this documentation as your starting point for creating a successful trading model.

If you are new to Alpha Trading Labs and do not know where to start try going through Getting Started, which will help you understand how the application works and how to set up a new model.

Once you feel comfortable with the application, how it works, and what it does, you can start creating your own valuation functions to be passed into the trading model. The application uses a DSL made specifically for writing valuation functions which you can use, look at the DSL documentation to see what you can use, and what it does.

To help you with your valuation function you also have available marketlib, a library of functions which include both a series of ready made valuation functions you can use to start off with, and some helper functions to help you write your own.


Marketlib is imported by default, and will be a good resource to get you started